Who is our target audience?

Aloha, and welcome to You Are The Everything! Hopefully you’ve had a chance to browse our website, pick out some merch for yourself or a loved one, and think about how we can help you find more ease, purpose, abundance, and joy in your life. 

You might be wondering how and if you could benefit from working with me, so I want to share some of the possibilities and identify our target audience. Eventually, we’ll have online workshops, courses, and resources, but for now, we’re expanding our coaching and consulting services. You Are The Everything can create an individualized program for:

  • Women at an inflection point or intersection of life:
    • Starting a career
    • Looking at leadership/career growth
    • Integrating family and career
    • Shifting career path
    • Beginning anew
    • Retirement
  • Women in leadership - from planning how to enter all the way to exiting.
  • Parents interested in parenting through the You Are The Everything lens and being developmentally responsive.
  • Teens who could use support discovering their purpose and exploring possibilities.
  • Anyone who wants some inspiration through t-shirts, tumblers, or wall art for a home, office, or nursery!

In my next blog, I’ll share my Fundamentals Framework, which prepares the foundation for any change you want to make, so that you can shift your paradigm and find more ease, purpose, abundance, and joy. I want to support you to live YOUR “big, juicy, creative life” (Anne Lamott) through reflection, play, growth, and action.

Contact me to discuss a coaching/consulting package, follow me on Instagram and Facebook, buy some inspirational merch, or share my info with all your people. 

Hugs, Kate

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